Here’s answers to the most frequently asked questions we get.

How long do we need to stay off our sealed Driveway/paths etc for?

Foot traffic after three hours, vehicle traffic after three days from application.

In most cases one day to prep and the following day to finish.

Foot traffic the following day, vehicles after three days (air flow will assist the curing process, leaving the door 10-20 mm open is preferable).

The time varies based on several factors. The amount of traffic and the orientation to the sun will vary the times but a rule of thumb is as follows;

  • 10 yrs for epoxy
  • 10 yrs plant based penetrating sealer
  • 5 yrs for wet look penetrating sealer
  • 3 yrs for xylene based acrylic colour or clear sealer

Place any dishwashing detergent in bucket and dilute at a ratio of ten parts water to one part detergent, pour on the surface and work in with a broom. Rinse off with a hose or with domestic pressure washer.

In most cases we can. We have eco-friendly chemicals and procedures to eliminate or in extreme cases reduce them to shadow.